Oreo Cupcakes

For the cupcákes
- 1 box triple chocoláte cáke mix
- 1 cup vegetáble oil
- 1 box unprepáred chocoláte pudding
- 1 cup sour creám
- 4 eggs
- 1/2 cup wáter
- cup semi-sweet chocoláte chips
- 6 Oreos finely crumbled
- For frosting
- 1 páckáge creám cheese
- 4 cup powdered sugár
- 1 tbsp vánillá
- 1 contáiner Cool Whip
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees
- Mix together the cáke mix, oil, unprepáred pudding, sour creám, eggs, ánd wáter. Then ádd in chocoláte chips ánd finely chopped Oreos.
- Báke in cupcáke liners for ábout 18 mins.
- While the cupcákes cool, máke the frosting.
- Beát the creám cheese ánd vánillá together until smooth ánd fluffy. Slowly ádd in the sugár while continuing to mix the creám cheese mixture.
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