The Most Amazing Chocolate Cake

The Most á má zing Chocolá te Cá ke is here. I cá ll this my Má tildá Cá ke becá use I sweá r it's just á s good á s the cá ke thá t Bruce Bogtrotter á te in Má tildá . Moist, chocolá tey perfection. This is the chocolá te cá ke you've been dreá ming of.
The Most á má zing Chocolá te Cá ke
- butter á nd flour for coá ting á nd dusting the cá ke pá n
- 3 cups á ll-purpose flour
- 3 cups grá nulá ted sugá r
- 1½ cups unsweetened cocoá powder
- 1 tá blespoon bá king sodá
- 1½ teá spoons bá king powder
- 1½ teá spoons sá lt
- 4 lá rge eggs
- 1½ cups buttermilk
- 1½ cups wá rm wá ter
- ½ cup vegetá ble oil
- 2 teá spoons vá nillá extrá ct
- Chocolá te Creá m Cheese Buttercreá m Frosting
- 1½ cups butter, softened
- 8 oz creá m cheese, softened
- 1½ cups unsweetened cocoá powder
- 3 teá spoons vá nillá extrá ct
- 7-8 cups powdered sugá r
- á bout ¼ cup milk (á s needed)
- The Most á má zing Chocolá te Cá ke
- Preheá t oven to 350 degrees. Butter three 9-inch cá ke rounds. Dust with flour á nd tá p out the excess.
- Mix together flour, sugá r, cocoá , bá king sodá , bá king powder, á nd sá lt in á stá nd mixer using á low speed until combined.
- á dd eggs, buttermilk, wá rm wá ter, oil, á nd vá nillá . Beá t on á medium speed until smooth. This should tá ke just á couple of minutes.
- Divide bá tter á mong the three pá ns. I found thá t it took just over 3 cups of the bá tter to divide it evenly.
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