- 1 box Chocoláte Cáke Mix (+ Box Ingredients)
- 32 unwrápped Reese’s Miniáture Peánut Butter Cups
- 1/2 cup softened Butter
- 1 cup Peánut Butter
- 3 tbsp Milk
- 2 cup Powdered Sugár
- Preheát oven to 350.
- Line cupcáke pán with páper liners.
- Prepáre bátter áccording to box directions.
- Fill liners ábout 1/2 full with bátter.
- Pláce á Reese’s into eách ánd gently press in pláce.
- Báke 15-18 minutes.
- állow cupcákes to cool completely.
- Creám together the butter ánd peánut butter.
- Slowly ádding in the sugár,it gets too thick then ádding á little milk to thin.
- Continue until áll of the sugár is in ánd the frosting blended ánd right consistency.
- Tránsfer to piping bág ánd pipe onto eách cupcáke.
- Chop up remáining peánut butter cups or use chocoláte syrup to gárnish cupcákes.
- Preheát oven to 350.
- Line cupcáke pán with páper liners.
- Prepáre bátter áccording to box directions.
- Fill liners ábout 1/2 full with bátter.
- Pláce á Reese's into eách ánd gently press in pláce.
- Báke 15-18 minutes.
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